How to Properly Dispose of Compostable Cutlery: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Properly Dispose of Compostable Cutlery: A Step-by-Step Guide


Compostable cutlery reduces our reliance on petroleum-based plastics. So how do you break down compostable cutlery? Read on to learn more.

How to Properly Dispose of Compostable Cutlery: A Step-by-Step Guide
Compostable Cutlery
Compostable cutlery is a great alternative to traditional plastic cutlery. Made from materials like corn starch, bamboo, or sugar cane, this cutlery can naturally decompose and return to the earth, reducing our reliance on petroleum-based plastics. However, understanding how to properly dispose of it is key to ensuring it lives up to its environmental promise.

The Importance of Proper Disposal of Compostable Cutlery

Proper disposal of compostable cutlery is essential to maximizing its environmental benefits. Unlike traditional plastics, compostable cutlery decomposes into natural elements under the right conditions. However, if these items are discarded improperly, such as regular trash or mixed with non-compostable trash, they may end up in landfills, where they may not decompose as expected. In landfills, compostable materials often lack the oxygen and moisture they need to decompose effectively, causing them to remain intact for years. This mismanagement not only undermines their environmental benefits but also increases landfill waste.

In addition, improper disposal can disrupt composting systems, contaminate compost with non-degradable materials, and compromise the quality of the final compost product. By following the correct disposal procedures, we can ensure that compostable tableware will properly decompose, enrich the soil, and reduce the overall environmental impact. Therefore, proper disposal is more than just complying with regulations, but playing an active role in promoting a sustainable future.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Disposing of Compostable Tableware

Step 1: Check Local Composting Guidelines

Before disposing of compostable tableware, it is crucial to be familiar with local composting guidelines. Different cities have different rules about what can and cannot be composted. Some areas have dedicated facilities or services to collect compostable materials, while others may not accept them at all. Consult your city or county's waste management website or contact your local government for the most accurate and relevant information. Knowing these guidelines will help ensure that your compostable tableware is properly and efficiently disposed of.

Step 2: Separate Compostable Tableware from General Trash

Effective disposal starts with proper sorting. Compostable tableware should be stored separately from general trash and recyclables to avoid contamination. Use designated bins or containers for compostable items and clearly label them to prevent mistakes. If your composting program accepts specific types of compostable materials, be sure to follow those standards. Proper sorting helps streamline the composting process and reduces the risk of non-compostable materials interfering with your waste management system.

Step 3: Clean your Dishes

Compostable dishes may need to be cleaned to remove food scraps that could interfere with the composting process. Rinse dishes or plates with water to remove any remaining food, but avoid using harsh chemicals or excessive amounts of water. This step is critical because food waste can attract pests and create odors if not managed properly. Some composting facilities require clean compostable items to ensure the compost is free of contaminants and can decompose effectively.

Step 4: Discard It in the Correct Compost Bin

Once you have cleaned and sorted your dishes, it's time to dispose of them in the correct compost bin. Compostable dishes should be placed in a green compost bin or a dedicated compost container designed for organic waste. If you use a curbside composting service, place the items in the provided bin according to the service's guidelines. If there is an industrial composting facility near you, make sure you deliver your compostable materials to that facility. Proper placement ensures that the dishes are processed under the proper conditions for effective decomposition.

Step 5: Monitor and Maintain Compost Quality

After processing, keeping a close eye on the composting process is essential to ensure compost quality. Regularly monitor your compost bin or facility for signs of effective decomposition, such as organic materials breaking down into rich, dark compost. Turning the compost regularly helps aerate it and speeds up the decomposition process. Maintaining the right moisture levels and a balance of green and brown materials also contributes to high-quality compost. By actively managing your composting system, you can help ensure that your compostable tableware contributes positively to environmental sustainability.

Common Misconceptions About Compostable Tableware

Compostable Tableware vs. Biodegradable Tableware

People often confuse the terms "compostable" and "biodegradable," which are often used interchangeably. However, they refer to different concepts, especially when it comes to tableware.

Compostable tableware: This type of tableware is specifically designed to break down into nutrient-rich compost when exposed to the right conditions in a composting facility. Compostable items are made from materials that fully decompose, leaving no harmful residue. The process involves breaking down the tableware into organic matter, which enriches the soil, benefits plant growth and promotes a circular economy.

Biodegradable cutlery: Biodegradable items, on the other hand, are designed to break down into smaller pieces over time. However, they don't always break down as completely or as quickly as compostable items. Some biodegradable materials may degrade into microplastics or other residues that are not good for soil health. So while biodegradable cutlery does break down, it doesn't always meet the same environmental standards as compostable products.

Understanding these differences is critical for you to make smart cutlery choices and ensure your disposal methods meet environmental goals.

Can Compostable Cutlery Go into Regular Recycling?

Compostable cutlery should not be put into regular recycling bins. Unlike recyclable materials, compostable cutlery requires specific conditions to break down effectively. Standard recycling processes are not equipped to handle compostable materials, which can lead to contamination of the recyclable waste stream.

Compostable cutlery needs to be handled in a composting environment where it can break down properly. This requires the right balance of heat, humidity, and ventilation to promote decomposition. Regular recycling facilities are designed for materials such as plastics, metals, and paper, not for handling compostable materials. If compostable cutlery is mixed with recyclables, it can interfere with the recycling process and compromise the quality of the recyclables.

To ensure your compostable tableware is properly disposed of, check if there is a local composting program or facility that accepts such items. Proper disposal in a designated compost bin or industrial composting facility helps achieve the environmental benefits that compostable tableware is designed to provide.


Proper disposal of compostable tableware is essential to maximizing its environmental benefits. By following local guidelines, properly sorting waste, and ensuring quality compost, we can all contribute to a healthier planet. Take these steps to make every meal count. If you would like to learn more about compostable tableware and compostable products or would like to order compostable products, please contact us.

Torise Biomaterials is a reputable custom compostable and biodegradable products manufacturer with a reputation for providing eco-friendly solutions. Our biodegradable tableware range is made from innovative and sustainable materials to ensure high quality and functionality. By choosing Torise Biomaterials for your biodegradable tableware needs, you can contribute to a more sustainable future. Switch to eco-friendly alternatives without compromising quality. To place an order or for more information, please contact us or visit our website. Take steps today to reduce your impact on the environment.